Filling a Flu Injection Prescription
Flu Injection prescriptions can be processed from both the Workbench and the Patient Folder. When entered, the prescription is automatically processed and does not require any user intervention.
Prior to filling a flu prescription, patient consent can be gathered by completing the Flu Consent form. For more information, see Gathering Patient Consent for a Flu Injection.
Tip: The Lot# and the Expiry Date can be automatically printed on the vial label if entered into the Shipment Details window for each flu DIN or PIN prior to dispensing. For more information, see Automatically Adding a Lot Number and Expiry Date to Flu Prescription
Note: In all provinces, if your pharmacy is on paperless workflow, the vial copy and immunization record do not print automatically if there is a rejection from the third party and an intervention code is entered.
The vial copy and the immunization record need to be printed manually by selecting Rx > Print from the patient's Profile tab.
Use the dropdowns below to learn how to process a flu prescriptions.

To fill a Flu Injection prescription:
- Launch the Flu Injection window using one of the two following methods:
- From the Workbench, select Rx > Services > Flu Injection > Process Now, then search for and select the patient.
- From the patient's folder, select Rx > Services > Flu Injection > Process Now.
The Flu Injection window appears.
- Select the DIN that is being dispensed.
- Select Submit. The prescription will appear in the Completed or Pending tab (depending on your province).
- If the prescription is in the Pending tab, process the prescription to completion.
Tip: Pharmacy use information, such as date of vaccine, time route and more, can recorded electronically from a workstation with a signature pad before Submit is selected. For more information, see Entering Pharmacy Use Information When Filling a Flu Prescription.
- If consent was not obtained electronically (i.e., a paper consent form was filled out), attach the consent form the prescription for audit purposes.

To fill a Flu Injection prescription in Alberta:
- Select Rx > Services > Flu Injection > Process Now. The Patient Search window appears.
- Search for and select the patient. The Flu Injection window appears.
- Enter the following information:
- Select the DIN or PIN that is being dispensed.
- If selecting a PIN, select the appropriate information from the Reason Code dropdown and the Dispensed DIN dropdown.
- Select Submit. The prescription will appear in the Completed or Pending tab.
- If the prescription is in the Pending tab, process the prescription to completion.
Tip: Pharmacy use information, such as date of vaccine, time route and more, can recorded electronically from a workstation with a signature pad before Submit is selected. For more information, see Entering Pharmacy Use Information When Filling a Flu Prescription.
- If consent was not obtained electronically (i.e., a paper consent form was filled out), attach the consent form the prescription for audit purposes.

Saskatchewan pharmacies must bill two (2) claims simultaneously: one claim for the record vaccine administration and one claim for the Influenza Immunization Fee.
Note: To be reimbursed for the service, two claims must be filled on after the other. There should be no gap in the Rx # or Date for both claims.
To process a Flu Injection prescription in Saskatchewan:
- From either the Workbench or the patient's folder, create a new prescription.
- In the New Rx window, enter the following information:
- Patient = the patient that is receiving the flu injection
- Drug(s) = the influenza vaccine being administered
- Doctor = the pharmacist who is providing the vaccine
- Qty Auth, Qty and DS = 1
- Select Process Now. The Rx Detail window appears.
- Ensure there is no cost, fee or markup associated to the prescription.
- Select Fill to process the claim.
- From either the Workbench or the patient's folder, create a new prescription.
- In the New Rx window, enter the following information:
- Patient = the patient that is receiving the flu injection
- Drug(s) = the PIN for the appropriate immunization fee
- Doctor = the pharmacist who is providing the vaccine
- Qty Auth, Qty and DS = 1
- Select Process Now. The Rx Detail window appears.
- Verify the information in the window is correct.
- Select Fill to process the prescription.
Error Codes and Error Handling
When submitting a Flu Injection prescriptions, there are potential error codes that may be returned. Review the below table for potential error codes.
Error Code | Description |
GZ | Compounding fee exceeds established amount: $0.00 |
GG |
Non-formulary drug - maximum allowable unit drug cost exceeded - check unit drug cost. When the Acquisition Cost submitted exceeds $0.01. |
GO |
Dispensing fee exceeds maximum allowed: $0.00. |
MA |
Drug markup percentage exceeds maximum allowed: $0.00 |
YI |
Maximum allowable quantity exceeds 1. |

To fill a Flu Injection prescription:
- Launch the Flu Injection window using one of the two following methods:
- From the Workbench, select Rx > Services > Flu Injection > Process Now, then search for and select the patient.
- From the patient's folder, select Rx > Services > Flu Injection > Process Now.
The Flu Injection window appears.
- Select the DIN that is being dispensed.
- Select Submit. The prescription will appear on the patient's Profile as Incomplete.
- Highlight the prescription and select Detail.
- Select the Third Party tab in Rx Detail.
- Select Add. Search for and select the DU intervention code.
- Select Fill.
- Attach the consent form to the prescription for audit purposes.

When filling a Flu Injection prescription in New Brunswick for a patient that has a chronic condition, the IB intervention code must be entered.
To process a Flu Injection prescription with an IB intervention code:
- Select Rx > Services > Flu Injection > Process Now. The Patient Search window appears.
- Search for and select the patient. The Flu Injection window appears.
- Select the DIN that is being dispensed.
- From the Code dropdown, select IB.
Note: IB cannot be used for patients between 5-18 years of age and patients over 65.
- Select Submit. The prescription will appear in the Completed or Pending tab.
- If the prescription is in the Pending tab, process the prescription to completion.
Tip: Pharmacy use information, such as date of vaccine, time route and more, can recorded electronically from a workstation with a signature pad before Submit is selected. For more information, see Entering Pharmacy Use Information When Filling a Flu Prescription.
- If consent was not obtained electronically (i.e., a paper consent form was filled out), attach the consent form the prescription for audit purposes.

When filling a Flu Injection prescription in PEI, a days supply of 28 must be entered. By default, a days supply of 1 is entered for Flu Injection prescriptions processed using the Flu module.
To process a Flu Injection prescription with a days supply of 28:
- Launch the Flu Injection window using one of the two following methods:
- From the Workbench, select Rx > Services > Flu Injection > Process Now, then search for and select the patient.
- From the patient's folder, select Rx > Services > Flu Injection > Process Now.
The Flu Injection window appears.
- Select the DIN that is being dispensed.
- Select Submit. The prescription will be rejected by the provincial plan due to the days supply.
Tip: Pharmacy use information, such as date of vaccine, time route and more, can recorded electronically from a workstation with a signature pad before Submit is selected. For more information, see Entering Pharmacy Use Information When Filling a Flu Prescription.
- On the Patient Folder Profile tab, highlight the prescription. It should be listed on the Profile with a Queued status.
- Select Rx > Detail. Rx Detail opens on the Third Party tab.
- Select the Rx tab.
- In the DS field, enter 28.
- Select Fill.
- If consent was not obtained electronically (i.e., a paper consent form was filled out), attach the consent form the prescription for audit purposes.